Logo of Building Heroes

Improve Quality of Hire, Reduced Dropout Rates

By looking at potential instead of experience, we can discover the talent we need and reduce dropout rates in our training programs.

Maaike Arns - Building Heroes

Summary of the Case

Building Heroes faced the challenge of a tight labor market in the construction and infrastructure sectors. By partnering with BrainsFirst and using their NeurOlympics game-based assessments, Building Heroes identified high-potential candidates and reduced dropout rates in their training programs. This approach not only improved the quality of hires but also promoted diversity and inclusivity.

Client Background

Building Heroes is an organization dedicated to addressing the talent shortage in the construction and infrastructure sectors. They established the Construction University to train new talent but needed a reliable way to assess and select candidates with high potential for success in their training programs.

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Building Heroes needed to efficiently and objectively assess the talent potential of candidates to reduce dropout rates and improve the quality of their training program participants.

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BrainsFirst provided game-based cognitive assessments (NeurOlympics) to identify candidates' fundamental talents and cognitive strengths.


  • Quality of Hires: The candidates selected through the NeurOlympics assessments were a better fit for the Construction University program. This led to a significant improvement in the quality of hires.
  • Reduced Dropout Rates: The dropout rate from the training programs was reduced by 60%, as the selected candidates were more likely to succeed and complete the program.
  • Increased Diversity: The objective nature of the assessments (bias-free by design) allowed Building Heroes to discover atypical talents who might not have been selected through traditional methods. This promoted greater diversity within their talent pool.
  • Efficient Use of Resources: The energy and resources invested in the Construction University yielded better results, with a higher return on investment as the selected candidates were more likely to thrive.


Building Heroes successfully addressed the challenges of a tight labor market by partnering with BrainsFirst. The use of game-based cognitive assessments enabled them to identify high-potential candidates, reduce dropout rates, and improve the overall quality of their training programs. This innovative approach not only benefits Building Heroes but also serves as a scalable solution for other organizations facing similar challenges. By focusing on potential rather than experience, Building Heroes created a win-win situation for the organization, the trainees, and the broader labor market. If you are looking to revolutionize your talent acquisition and training strategies, book a demo with BrainsFirst today and discover how our solutions can transform your recruitment and development processes.

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