Since the beginning of 2017, after years of scientific research, the alternative to the IQ test has been launched. The motto? You can see better, by looking better. “If you know what you’re looking for in a new colleague, but can’t recognize it from the outside, you’re still not going to find it easily,” says co-founder Dr. Ilja Sligte. BrainsFirst gives you a look under the hood.
Everyone has probably done one: an IQ test, or an alternative of this. They come in many shapes and sizes, but most of them consist of a combination of a number sequence, a series of figures, and a verbal task. Based on different assignments, the overall score is assessed. Then a sum score is given. This score is a gross representation of how ‘ generally intelligent ‘ someone is. The scores are divided in a way, that the average is always 100. Approximately 2 percent of all people score higher than 130 or lower than 70. Over the years, there has been a lot of discussion about the IQ test. In many cases, this measure seems too coarse and too irrelevant in order to be able to predict performance. It is difficult, but not impossible, to look for a good alternative to the IQ test. Should we no longer have a look at someone’s personal qualities? Everyone is good (or less good) at something. It is always about the context: Does what is requested fit by the abilities of the person?
Many employers use IQ testing, or an alternative, to screen their potential employees. Sometimes this can also be of added value. For example, if the function is only for the real Einsteins. For by far most functions a high classical intelligence score is of less great value. Moreover, its use can even lead to a huge mismatch. Therefore it is important to think well about an alternative to the IQ test. With the advent of burnout and the bore out, it is important to match people with a function that is exactly challenging enough. in a way, people do not feel overloaded with work but are sufficiently valued in their capacities.
Read also: Brain test trumps IQ test (Source: The Financial Telegraph)
By focusing on what people are good at, the match between functions and candidates can be improved. Does anyone find it fine to switch much between tasks, or just to work for a long time concentrated? Does anyone make easy decisions or does anyone prefer to take a little longer? Does the function require a great deal of creativity, or is proper protocol work important? All these questions are important to get someone in the right place. The answers require a good alternative to the IQ test. This can be found by testing for cognitive skills. Cognitive skills are, for example, decision-making, speed, anticipation, accuracy, and concentration. Everyone scores better on specific skills and probably less high on other skills. The combination of factors determines whether someone ‘ got what it takes ‘ to be successful in the open function.
BrainsFirst looks further and is thereby the perfect alternative to the IQ test. We look at the extent to which one’s cognitive qualities correspond to the desired cognitive target profile. If it is about a dynamic function, then being able to switch quickly is a pre. Does anyone need attention to detail, or does it require an overarching view? On the basis of 16 different cognitive skills, we look at the extent to which a candidate would be suitable for the job. The probability of the correct match will be much more nuanced and more reliable.